Ciliophora: Protozoans that Move with Cilia
The Euplotes are part of the Phylum Ciliophora. View more Ciliophora here.

The Euplotes belong to the Phyllum Ciliophora. They are from 80-200µm long.
Euplotes is an interesting ciliate with a transparent body. It has large cilia that is tufted together to form cirri and a band-like macronucleus (the big backward "C" shown inside the body).
From the side, Euplotes is quite thin and can be seen using its cirri and "walking" along objects. Below, we see Euplores walking on the edge of an air bubble.
Euplotes are common in fresh water and marine habitats.

Euplotes image captured under a compound microscope at 200x. Image courtesy Dr. George Sartiano.