Sand Collector Information
Getting Into Sand!
If you are a serious sand collector or simply want to learn more about sand then this is the jumping off page to a variety of cool sites related to sand, sand samples and sand collecting. Bookmark this page or put a link to it on your own website. If you have a sand related link that you think would fit in well here then email it to us!

Sand collecting is a great hobby and can make traveling exciting, allowing you to extend your holiday once you get home and look at the sand collected while away. Another fun idea is to collect a small amount of sand when you travel and put it in a small glass bottle with a cork. Label each bottle and over time it will be fun to look back on the places you have visited and compare nature's beauty in the sand colors!

Sand Samples and Info
Learn about sand grain size and see a variety of samples (this is my contribution).
Loes Modderman Science Art
If you enjoyed looking at our microscopic samples then you will love this site. Visit the "Zand" section for some beautiful images of sand!
Virtual Sand Collection
Even more sand images from around the world!
More Sand Images
Some more sand images from the International Sand Collectors Society.
What Is Sand?
This page will give you some more technical information on how sand is classified and some interesting facts about sand. It is a great write-up with some in depth info on sand.
Classroom Activity, Grades 4-6
This one is for teachers! Here is a sample lesson on identifying and classifying sand and the beach it is found on.
More Teacher Info
A scientist explains what sand is made from and how it gets to the beach. This is a nice simple explanation.