Microscope Applications
The microscope applications section of this website is jam packed with great educational information. Whether you are looking for learning about different types of sand, or exploring the extensive guide to Protozoans, you have come to the right place!
Learn all about different types of sand from various beaches around the world. View sand images under the microscope. Explore links from many different sand collectors.
Parasites in Sheep and Goats
This information is important to breeders and those who raise horses, rabbits, cats, dogs, primates and cattle. Learn about worm and coccidia infestations, how to identify them and why it is important to find these parasites in animals.
Pond Water Critters
This is an extensive guide to protozoans and microscopic animals including descriptions and illustrations. Multicellular animals are covered as well as Phylum Ciliophora, Phylum Mastigophora and Phylum Sarcodina.
Fresh Water Protozoa
Learn tips and techniques for collecting and culturing protozoans. Learn how to prepare nutrient rich solutions and grow your own samples for microscopic viewing.