If you are looking for microscope suppliers they can be found here.
Microscope Organizations and Educational Sites
Museum of Microscopy: Florida State University, this site contains a museum of classical microscopes, an extensive gallery of images, and a variety of interactive tutorials on microscopy and optics. Excellent Resource!
Microscopy Society of America, and their information source Project MICRO are especially useful to educators. This is an excellent resource for information, reference books, video tapes and microscope related websites.
Pacific Biosciences Research Center: see some interesting electron microscope images of common everyday objects.
Ron Neumeyer’s Microscopy Images: a variety of galleries including animal, protozoa, plant, sand, and polarized light.
Miscape Magazine: an online resource of microscope articles located in the U.K.
Websites with info on Protists and Microscopic Critters
Microscopic Critters: These are microscopic critters you can find in pond water or even old rain puddles!
Protozoa: Tips on collecting and studying protozoa.
Pond Dipping: Concentrate the critters found in pond water.
Mounts: Make a special mount to keep samples alive longer!
Make Permanent Slides: Make your own permanent slides with Loctite!
Pond Life Identification: A guide for pond life identification – this is an excellent resource.
Ron’s Pond Scum: Ron DeAngelis shows color photos of many of the organisms identified in this section.
Water Flea (Daphnia) Anatomy: by Wim van Egmond. Move your mouse over the image!
Database of thousands of Protist Images: This is a Japanese site with a lot of information on Protists.
Other Science Related Websites
Bio Explorer: This site contains links to other biology sites and related info.
ScienceIQ: Science IQ delivers fascinating and engaging science facts each weekday. There is also an archive of interesting science facts and a comprehensive list of science links.
Brain POP: Fun science section on how the world works.